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Musical Symbols 𝄀
Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols ðžļ€
Mahjong Tiles 🀀
Domino Tiles 🀰
Playing Cards 🂠
Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement 🄀
Enclosed Ideographic Supplement 🈀
Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs 🌀
Emoticons 😀
Ornamental Dingbats 🙐
Transport and Map Symbols 🚀
Alchemical Symbols 🜀
Geometric Shapes Extended 🞀
Supplemental Arrows-C 🠀
Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs ðŸĪ€
Chess Symbols ðŸĻ€
Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A ðŸĐ°
C0 Controls and Basic Latin
C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement €
Latin Extended-A Ā
Latin Extended-B ƀ
IPA Extensions ɐ
Spacing Modifier Letters Ę°
Combining Diacritical Marks Ė€
Greek and Coptic Í°
Cyrillic Ѐ
Cyrillic Supplement Ԁ
Armenian Ô°
Hebrew ֐
Arabic ؀
Syriac ܀
Arabic Supplement ݐ
Thaana ހ
NKo ߀
Samaritan ā €
Mandaic āĄ€
Syriac Supplement āĄ 
Arabic Extended-B āĄ°
Arabic Extended-A āĒ 
Devanagari āĪ€
Bengali āĶ€
Gurmukhi āĻ€
Gujarati āŠ€
Oriya āŽ€
Tamil āŪ€
Telugu ā°€
Kannada āē€
Malayalam āī€
Sinhala āķ€
Thai āļ€
Lao āš€
Tibetan āž€
Myanmar က
Georgian Ⴀ
Hangul Jamo ᄀ
Ethiopic ሀ
Ethiopic Supplement ᎀ
Cherokee Ꭰ
Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics ᐀
Runic ᚠ
Tagalog ᜀ
Hanunoo ᜠ
Buhid ᝀ
Tagbanwa ᝠ
Khmer ក
Mongolian ᠀
Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended áĒ°
Limbu áĪ€
Tai Le áĨ
New Tai Lue áĶ€
Khmer Symbols ᧠
Buginese áĻ€
Tai Tham áĻ 
Combining Diacritical Marks Extended ኰ
Balinese ᮀ
Sundanese áŪ€
Batak áŊ€
Lepcha ᰀ
Ol Chiki Ṑ
Cyrillic Extended-C áē€
Georgian Extended áē
Sundanese Supplement áģ€
Vedic Extensions áģ
Phonetic Extensions áī€
Phonetic Extensions Supplement áķ€
Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement ᷀
Latin Extended Additional áļ€
Greek Extended ᾀ
General Punctuation  
Superscripts and Subscripts ⁰
Currency Symbols ₠
Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols ⃐
Letterlike Symbols ℀
Number Forms ⅐
Arrows ←
Mathematical Operators ∀
Miscellaneous Technical ⌀
Control Pictures ␀
Optical Character Recognition ⑀
Enclosed Alphanumerics ①
Box Drawing ─
Block Elements ▀
Geometric Shapes ■
Miscellaneous Symbols ☀
Dingbats ✀
Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A ⟀
Supplemental Arrows-A ⟰
Braille Patterns ⠀
Supplemental Arrows-B âĪ€
Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B âĶ€
Supplemental Mathematical Operators âĻ€
Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows ⮀
Glagolitic Ⰰ
Latin Extended-C âą 
Coptic âē€
Georgian Supplement âī€
Tifinagh âī°
Ethiopic Extended âķ€
Cyrillic Extended-A â· 
Supplemental Punctuation âļ€
CJK Radicals Supplement ⹀
Kangxi Radicals ⾀
Ideographic Description Characters âŋ°
CJK Symbols and Punctuation  
Hiragana ぀
Katakana ゠
Bopomofo ㄀
Hangul Compatibility Jamo ㄰
Kanbun ㆐
Bopomofo Extended ㆠ
CJK Strokes ㇀
Katakana Phonetic Extensions ㇰ
Enclosed CJK Letters and Months ㈀
CJK Compatibility ㌀
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A 㐀
Yijing Hexagram Symbols ䷀
CJK Unified Ideographs äļ€
Yi Syllables ꀀ
Yi Radicals ꒐
Lisu ꓐ
Vai ꔀ
Cyrillic Extended-B Ꙁ
Bamum ꚠ
Modifier Tone Letters ꜀
Latin Extended-D ꜠
Syloti Nagri ꠀ
Common Indic Number Forms ę °
Phags-pa ꡀ
Saurashtra ęĒ€
Devanagari Extended ęĢ 
Kayah Li ęĪ€
Rejang ęĪ°
Hangul Jamo Extended-A ęĨ 
Javanese ęĶ€
Myanmar Extended-B ꧠ
Cham ęĻ€
Myanmar Extended-A ęĐ 
Tai Viet ꩀ
Meetei Mayek Extensions ęŦ 
Ethiopic Extended-A ꮀ
Latin Extended-E ꎰ
Cherokee Supplement ę­°
Meetei Mayek ęŊ€
Hangul Syllables 가
Hangul Jamo Extended-B ힰ
High Surrogates
High Private Use Surrogates
Low Surrogates
Private Use Area 
CJK Compatibility Ideographs ïĪ€
Alphabetic Presentation Forms 
Arabic Presentation Forms-A ﭐ
Variation Selectors ïļ€
Vertical Forms ïļ
Combining Half Marks ïļ 
CJK Compatibility Forms ïļ°
Small Form Variants ïđ
Arabic Presentation Forms-B ïđ°
Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms 
Specials ïŋ°
Linear B Syllabary 𐀀
Linear B Ideograms 𐂀
Aegean Numbers 𐄀
Ancient Greek Numbers 𐅀
Ancient Symbols 𐆐
Phaistos Disc 𐇐
Lycian 𐊀
Carian 𐊠
Coptic Epact Numbers 𐋠
Old Italic 𐌀
Gothic 𐌰
Old Permic 𐍐
Ugaritic 𐎀
Old Persian 𐎠
Deseret 𐐀
Shavian 𐑐
Osmanya 𐒀
Osage 𐒰
Elbasan 𐔀
Caucasian Albanian 𐔰
Vithkuqi 𐕰
Todhri 𐗀
Linear A 𐘀
Latin Extended-F 𐞀
Cypriot Syllabary 𐠀
Imperial Aramaic ðĄ€
Palmyrene ðĄ 
Nabataean ðĒ€
Hatran ðĢ 
Phoenician ðĪ€
Lydian ðĪ 
Meroitic Hieroglyphs ðĶ€
Meroitic Cursive ðĶ 
Kharoshthi ðĻ€
Old South Arabian ðĐ 
Old North Arabian 𐊀
Manichaean ðŦ€
Avestan 𐎀
Inscriptional Parthian 𐭀
Inscriptional Pahlavi 𐭠
Psalter Pahlavi ðŪ€
Old Turkic 𐰀
Old Hungarian ðē€
Hanifi Rohingya ðī€
Garay ðĩ€
Rumi Numeral Symbols ðđ 
Yezidi 𐚀
Arabic Extended-C ðŧ€
Old Sogdian 𐞀
Sogdian 𐞰
Old Uyghur ð―°
Chorasmian ðū°
Elymaic ðŋ 
Brahmi 𑀀
Kaithi 𑂀
Sora Sompeng 𑃐
Chakma 𑄀
Mahajani 𑅐
Sharada 𑆀
Sinhala Archaic Numbers 𑇠
Khojki 𑈀
Multani 𑊀
Khudawadi 𑊰
Grantha 𑌀
Tulu-Tigalari 𑎀
Newa 𑐀
Tirhuta 𑒀
Siddham 𑖀
Modi 𑘀
Mongolian Supplement 𑙠
Takri 𑚀
Myanmar Extended-C 𑛐
Ahom 𑜀
Dogra 𑠀
Warang Citi ð‘Ē 
Dives Akuru ð‘Ī€
Nandinagari ð‘Ķ 
Zanabazar Square ð‘Ļ€
Soyombo ð‘А
Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended-A ð‘Š°
Pau Cin Hau ð‘Ŧ€
Devanagari Extended-A ð‘Ž€
Sunuwar ð‘Ŋ€
Bhaiksuki 𑰀
Marchen ð‘ą°
Masaram Gondi ð‘ī€
Gunjala Gondi ð‘ĩ 
Makasar ð‘ŧ 
Kawi 𑞀
Lisu Supplement ð‘ū°
Tamil Supplement ð‘ŋ€
Cuneiform 𒀀
Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation 𒐀
Early Dynastic Cuneiform 𒒀
Cypro-Minoan ð’ū
Egyptian Hieroglyphs 𓀀
Egyptian Hieroglyph Format Controls 𓐰
Egyptian Hieroglyphs Extended-A 𓑠
Anatolian Hieroglyphs 𔐀
Gurung Khema 𖄀
Bamum Supplement 𖠀
Mro ð–Đ€
Tangsa ð–Đ°
Bassa Vah ð–Ŧ
Pahawh Hmong ð–Ž€
Kirat Rai ð–ĩ€
Medefaidrin ð–đ€
Miao 𖞀
Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation ð–ŋ 
Tangut 𗀀
Tangut Components 𘠀
Khitan Small Script 𘎀
Tangut Supplement ð˜ī€
Kana Extended-B ðšŋ°
Kana Supplement 𛀀
Kana Extended-A 𛄀
Small Kana Extension 𛄰
Nushu 𛅰
Duployan 𛰀
Shorthand Format Controls ð›ē 
Symbols for Legacy Computing Supplement 𜰀
Znamenny Musical Notation 𜞀
Byzantine Musical Symbols 𝀀
Ancient Greek Musical Notation 𝈀
Kaktovik Numerals 𝋀
Mayan Numerals 𝋠
Tai Xuan Jing Symbols 𝌀
Counting Rod Numerals 𝍠
Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols 𝐀
Sutton SignWriting 𝠀
Latin Extended-G 𝞀
Glagolitic Supplement 𞀀
Cyrillic Extended-D 𞀰
Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong 𞄀
Toto 𞊐
Wancho 𞋀
Nag Mundari 𞓐
Ol Onal 𞗐
Ethiopic Extended-B 𞟠
Mende Kikakui 𞠀
Adlam ðžĪ€
Indic Siyaq Numbers ðžą°
Ottoman Siyaq Numbers ðžī€
Symbols for Legacy Computing 🎀
Unassigned óŊū€
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B 𠀀
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C ðŠœ€
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D ðŦ€
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E ðŦ  
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F ðŽš°
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I ðŪŊ°
CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement ðŊ €
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension G 𰀀
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension H ðą
Tags 󠀀
Variation Selectors Supplement 󠄀
Supplementary Private Use Area-A óŋū€
Supplementary Private Use Area-B ôū€